Rsa_generate_key_ex Return Value

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The pseudo-random number generator must be seeded prior to calling RSAgeneratekeyex. The modulus size will be of length bits, and the public exponent will be e. Key sizes with num should be considered insecure. The exponent is an odd number, typically 3, 17 or 65537. RSAgeneratekey generates a key pair and returns it in a newly allocated RSA structure. The pseudo-random number generator must be seeded prior to calling RSAgeneratekey. The modulus size will be num bits, and the public exponent will be e. Key sizes with num. C (Cpp) EVPPKEYassignRSA - 30 examples found. These are the top rated real world C (Cpp) examples of EVPPKEYassignRSA extracted from open source projects. You can rate examples to help us improve the quality of examples. Re: RSAgeneratekeyex documentation The new API is called RSAgeneratekeyex and has a different interface. To convert from the older to the newer, see attached files: these are from a local patched openssl tree, which means the BNvalueRSAF4 API is mine, not OpenSSL's. RSAgeneratekey generates a key pair and returns it in a newly allocated RSA structure. The pseudo-random number generator must be seeded prior to calling RSAgeneratekey. The modulus size will be num bits, and the public exponent will be e. Key sizes with num should be considered insecure. The exponent is an odd number, typically 3, 17 or 65537. Jan 31, 2011 int RSAgeneratekeyex(RSA.rsa, int bits, BIGNUM.evalue, BNGENCB.cb) 'I would like to call this function to generate the same public/private key everytime. 'I do not sure what exactly want.I suppose that you want everytime you called the RSAgeneratekeyex with same parameters and you can get same RSA key pair.

Generate Rsa Key


Generate Rsa Key Linux

On 07/11/2010 08:58 PM, Ger Hobbelt wrote:
> The new API is called RSA_generate_key_ex() and has a different interface.
That much I know. The problem is finding the documentation for the new
> the whole shebang bundled in a 7z for minimum transfer size.
That's what I needed. (It did take me a while to figure out how to deal
with a '7z' file.)
> make install_html_docs
I just downloaded openssl-1.0.0a.tar.gz from and tried this.
Neither RSA_generate_key.html nor RSA_generate_key_ex.html were created.
Looking in doc/crypto, RSA_generate_key_ex.pod is not present (although
RSA_generate_key.pod is).
Hardly surprising that people are using the old API. I'll try e-mailing
[hidden email] to report this.
Thanks for your help!
Ian Pilcher [hidden email]
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