Generate Ssh Key Bitbucket Mac

  1. Generate Ssh Key Aix
  2. Create Ssh Key Bitbucket Windows

Creating an SSH key on Linux & macOS 1. Check for existing SSH keys. You should check for existing SSH keys on your local computer. You can use an existing SSH key with Bitbucket Server if you want, in which case you can go straight to either SSH user keys for personal use or SSH access keys for system use. Open a terminal and run the following. If you don't already have an SSH key, you must generate a new SSH key.If you're unsure whether you already have an SSH key, check for existing keys. If you don't want to reenter your passphrase every time you use your SSH key, you can add your key to the SSH agent, which manages your SSH keys and remembers your passphrase. SSH keys are used to authenticate secure connections. Following this guide, you will be able to create and start using an SSH key. Git is capable of using SSH keys instead of traditional password authentication when pushing or pulling to remote repositories. Modern hosted git solutions like Bitbucket support SSH key authentication.

This guide goes through setting up SSH keys on macOS Mojave 10.14 back to Mac OSX 10.11 and also a secure password-less SSH connection between a local macOS workstation and a remote server also running a Linux variant operating system.

The process requires generating a public and private key on the local computer and then adding the public key to the remote servers authorised list. What is great about this is that it allows a password prompt free session, handy for a lot of uses.

First thing that you need to do on your macOS machine is to create a directory that will store your SSH keys. Then you will generate a public and private key for your account, launch the Terminal and punch in some commands:

Jan 26, 2017 I just rebuilt my laptop and iMac with clean installs of MacOS Sierra. I normally use the command line git client to work with GitHub or BitBucket. I'm on a new project where I have to collaborate with some people on Windows and suggested they use SourceTree, and wanted to re-install SourceTree on m. Before you can use SSH keys to secure a connection with Bitbucket Server the following must have already been done: your Bitbucket Server administrator must have already enabled SSH access in Bitbucket Server. You need an SSH key! See Creating SSH keys. Alternatively, you can use an existing key, if it isn't already being used as a repository.

Create a .ssh Directory

Change to the home directory

Create a SSH directory name .ssh and move into it

Make sure that the file permissions are set to read/write/execute only for the user

Generate ssh key bitbucket

Create your private and public key, the blank quotes at the end of the command gives the private key no password, so allowing for passwordless logins!

Change into the .ssh directory and list the contents of that .ssh directory

Thats your SSH keys created, the private key is the id_rsa and the public one is the, don’t give out the private one always keep that one only on your local machine.

Sharing the Public Key

Create an authorized_keys in the .ssh directory of the remote computer that you want to connect to.

You can create automatic logins by adding the contents of your public key to the authorized_keys file on the remote device.

To see and copy your public key use the cat command and copy the contents:

On the remote computer if needed, change the permssions on the authorized_keys file to write to add the public key, on a new line paste in your public key, and change permissions back to read only after for security.

Allow write on authorised_keys

Paste the entire content with vi or nano into the authorized_keys file, if using nano use the -w flag to not use incorrect line breaks.

If the remote host does not have an “authorized_keys” file simply create one and after the public key is pasted in don’t forget to takeaway write permissions.

Generate Ssh Key Aix

Going Both Ways

So now when you connect via SSH no password is prompted as the remote computer has your public key which is only decrypted by your private key held in your local .ssh/ directory. If you want the communications to be bilateral then repeat the process in the opposite order between the two.

Now the two computers can securely connect with no password prompting, making it ideal to script between the two for file copies or back ups.

Doing it Quicker

Now instead of typing in

Make an alias in your bash shell you could alias it to

Reload the the shell

Then all you have to type in is the alias


In a CI/CD environment,we can’t avoid dealing with any source code management system since it is integral part of a whole development cycle.

And we all know that git is the famous distributed version control system that has been widely adopted by many large opensource projects and almost all organisation that follow agile to deliver the service in the fast pace.

There were projects,that has taken a git as base and built on top of it to offer a service to consider the enterprise approach and name few are gitlab,github and bitbucket.

Today i’m gonna show how you can interact with your hosted bitbucket account with most securely any Jenkins that use your source code either to build something or deploy.

I have taken a example java code and try to build it as jar file in the coming up.

To achieve this we require a SSH key pair,so i have used linux host to generate a new one and that is not limited if you want use any ssh software(ex:PuTTYgen) to create.

I should have two ssh keys in the directory following /root/jenkins_pub_priv_key_for_bitbucket/.ssh/ that include is id_rsa &

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Bitbucket set up ssh key

Create Ssh Key Bitbucket Windows

A private key(id_rsa) saved to your Jenkins and a public key uploaded to Bitbucket. Bitbucket uses the key pair to authenticate anything the associated account can access. This two-waymechanism prevents man-in-the-middle attacks.

Let’s upload the private key in jenkins,navigate to Jenkins URL and following menu

Manage Jenkins –> configure credentials –> credentials –> system –>Add credentials.

change the credentials “kind” to “SSH Username with private key” in follow with username that is being used in the bitbucket account,private key and passphrase that used to unlock the private key.

Now add the public key to bit bucket,

Bitbucket –> settings –> security–>ssh keys –>add keys.

We have setup our keys in both Jenkins and bitbucket,let see how we gonna using it.

There is java build project that gone use bitbucket source as mentioned ,i have chosen credentials that created just now before.

When i try to build ,you gonna see the interaction will happen over ssh and we safe enough to proceed further.